Well, don't know if that's going to change that much, but Hallie did just make me chuckle enough to want to share it...and did I mention that she's going to turn 4 next month, and I'm pretty sure I didn't authorize such a step?? Where are my babies going??
Okay, so current funniness:
Hallie asks what that white line in the sky was, and I explain what little I know about skywriters and their smoke trails. She then looks pensive, and wistfully states, "I wish I could be a person who takes other people for rides in airplanes when I grow up."
I am delighted by such an out-of-the-box aspiration from my girly-girl, who until that moment was pretty much stuck on being a princess, which, as near as she could tell, was totally achievable once she'd found the right accessories. I am now barraged by images of a fearless young lady flying around the world, bold, daring, her own person, unfettered by society's conventions and expectations.
Me: "A pilot? You want to fly planes? That's a great thing to be!"
Hallie: "Yeah.
Oh, I love that. A tiara perhaps?